Tuesday 11 March 2014

Story Board

This is the first draft of my story board. It started getting to technical and didn't follow any logical path.
So I started again and refined my idea a bit more and narrowed the topic down to be about: Can Life exist beyond earth.

At this point I realised I didn't want my info graphic to just follow a step by step path like it did through the whole first half of the story board, which ended up happening anyway in The first option for the ending.

Option A below for the ending stopped working because it started to just look exactly the same as the first half of the graphic which talked about earth. When my info graphic starts to talk about the other earth like planets I want the scenes to be slightly different and not as linear.

This is the new reworked version of the second half of my info graphic. I have chosen to focus on only one star system that has "habitable" planets as it made it easier to get more in depth in the short amount of time we have for the finish piece. With the addition of the info I think it will tell the story of how life could exists on other planets reasonably well.

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